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Guide Sections

Ever Legion Game Basics

There are 7 factions in Ever Legion - Illuminated, Ardent, Vitalus, Eternal, Daevic, Eudic and Elemental. Six of the factions have faction advantages over another. A hero with a faction advantage will deal an additional 25% more damage toward the disadvanged faction.
Daevic and Eudic factions have a faction advantage toward each other only. The Elemental faction does not have any advantage or disadvantage toward any others.

If you're struggling to defeat a stage, using heroes with faction advantages may make the difference in battle.

There are also team bonus effects depending on the number of heroes within the same Faction. A team with 3 or more of one faction gain an additional attack and HP bonus. Eudic heroes contribute to any non-Daevic faction bonus.
Daevic heroes will not contribute any other faction bonus, however having one or more Daevic heroes will add other bonuses to your team such as increased defense, crit rate, crit dmg and more.
Elemental faction heroes can also contribute to any faction bonus.

Ever Legion Tier List

* The S1, S2, S3 by each hero refers to which Season each hero becomes available to obtain. A new server starts at Season 1 and each season lasts for 1 month. When a new season starts the new season heroes become available to obtain through summoning and rewards.
* Tier list is being updated regularly as we continue to test heroes.

Aello (S1)RangerArdentB
Aenara (S3)MageVitalus
Ahasver (S2)SupportDaevicA
Ahmut (S1)RangerArdentB
Alexandria (S1)SupportIlluminatedA
Alexios (S3)TankEudic
Anne (S1)SupportIlluminatedA
Aravis (S2)TankEternal
Arawn (S1)TankEternalA
Armog (S1)WarriorArdentB
Blodeuweth (S1)MageEternalC
Brenia (S1)RangerIlluminatedB
Celtchar (S1)WarriorEternal
Constanza (S1)WarriorIlluminatedB
Creithylad (S1)MageVitalusS
Cruban (S1)TankVitalusB
Desmond (S3)RangerIlluminatedB
Dirwyn (S1)RangerVitalusC
Edward (S1)RangerIlluminated
Elyarill (S1)RangerVitalusC
Esia & Arnoth (S2)SupportEudicS
Gar'zak (S2)WarriorEternal
Genevieve (S1)SupportIlluminatedA
Globnik (S2)TankArdentA
Godfrey (S2)TankIlluminatedB
Grukzag (S1)TankArdentA
Heinrich (S3)MageEternalA
Herla (S1)RangerEternalS
Holech (S2)WarriorIlluminatedA
Julia (S2)RangerIlluminatedC
Kaspar (S1)WarriorEternalA
Keelia (S1)MageArdentS
Kthir (S3)WarriorDaevicS
Kulgaz (S1)WarriorArdentC
Leolas (S3)WarriorVitalusA
Llyr (S1)WarriorVitalus
Maeve (S1)MageEternalA
Malakith (S1)RangerEternalA
Mawi (S1)WarriorArdentB
Melial (S2)MageEudicS+
Melusine (S1)SupportVitalusA
Nefertari (S3)MageArdentB
Niviana (S1)MageIlluminatedB
Nyras (S3)WarriorEudicS
Olivier (S1)TankIlluminatedC
Psyche (S2)SupportVitalusA
Puith (S1)TankEternalS
Razhul (S3)MageDaevicS
Rhiannon (S1)RangerVitalusB
Robert (S1)RangerIlluminatedB
Rogrys (S2)RangerArdent
Seithmann (S1)SupportArdentB
Stannos (S2)MageIlluminatedA
Sulien (S3)MageVitalusC
Velnak (S2)MageArdentC
Viridy (S1)TankVitalusB
Xayl'thir (S2)SupportEternalS

Ever Legion Hero Rank Up Guide

Elite Elite+  
Elite+ Legendary  
Legendary Legendary+  
Legendary+ Epic  
Epic Epic+  
Epic+ Mythical  
Mythical Mythical 1 Star  
Mythical 1 Star Mythical 2 Star  

Beginner Tips

  • The S1, S2, S3 by each hero refers to which Season each hero becomes available to obtain. A new server starts at Season 1 and each season lasts for 1 month. When a new season starts the new season heroes become available to obtain through summoning and rewards.

How to complete the Fairy Tales chapter in Isle of Mists:
The first thing you must do is defeat the enemies in the protective dome directly north of your starting point. You'll need to defeat two small camps to reach the Dome camp. To defeat the Dome camp you will need at least 2 Vitalus heroes on your team. Once that camp has been defeated, a new path will open directing you to the treasure on West side of map.

Ever Legion Codes

* Note: codes are case-sensitive

happy20235 summon scrolls
EL77710 summon scrolls
merry12252023-01-31   (Jan. 31)
xmas2022500 diamonds, 500 crystals2023-01-31   (Jan. 31)
sgexu300 Diamonds, 60 Elite hero fragments2023-02-28   (Feb. 28)
nevriabest2023-02-28   (Feb. 28)
rookiegift2023-03-01   (Mar. 1)
Group0012023-03-01   (Mar. 1)
guides772023-03-01   (Mar. 1)

How to redeem Ever Legion codes:
Click on your profile icon at the top-left of game. Then click "Settings" tab at the bottom. Select "Redeem Code" button under the Service section.

Ever Legion Screenshots